Artisan Grace Garton specializes in soft-sculpture art-dolls, mixed media paintings, watercolor, collage and oh, she's my multi-talented sister. Below is just a small example of her work. Also, the first three imaged are artworks that were featured at the Soggy Brolly, her first solo exhibition on the West Coast of Tasmania, titled: Chapter 1, Not all Roses and Berries. This exhibition showed off her skill investigating a wonderful series of paper collage, paintings and sculptural forms of whimsical birds.
Grace’s artworks are very sensitive and is infused with a sensibility towards nostalgia. Simply she’s an emotive, storyteller, even though melancholy exists one senses her seeking for beauty that exists in everyday life. Life is fragile, precious and to be enjoyed.
Grace has been represented by >> Despard Gallery << since 2018.
And Grace’s website: Grace and her store >> HERE